Rune wrote:
> Which format and codec should I use if I want a reasonable good
> compression/quality and I want as many as possible to be able to see my
> animations, just like that, without having to download a new codec?
From some modest experimentation NOT EXHAUSTIVE I find MPEG-1 to be
about the size of the sum of the jpeg versions of the frames regardless
of the format created. I tested that by creating mpegs with the original
and the jpeg converted format. While not exhaustive that should address
the compression issue. I can not find any option in mpeg-1 to control
the compression but I make no claim to expertise in it.
As to quality my unconfirmed opinion is:
The way mpeg-1 creates interpolated frames suffers horribly when there
are screen-wide slight changes. It pixelates them almost. I posted a
couple such results here but not the stills for comparison. S-U-C-K-S
compared to the stills.
However where the image changes rather little I would rate the results
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-- The Iron Webmaster, 335
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